The Timothy Initiative

Overview of Pastoral Residency

Purpose Statement:

The church of Faith Baptist Tabernacle endeavors to equip pastors to lead and serve in rural churches.


By Faith Baptist Tabernacle’s 100th year anniversary (2048), we will equip and send at least 8 pastors and select one pastor to succeed Pastor Fischer upon retirement.

Core Values:

(a) Biblical Theology 
(b) Biblical Missiology 
(c) Discipleship 
(d) Local Church Centered 
(e) Pastoral Calling

Initiative Goals:

(a) The leadership of FBT will guide the church to remain on mission by glorifying God, making disciples who disciple, evangelizing the lost, and sending church members into ministry.

(b) This program aspires to cultivate experience as a salaried associate pastor in a healthy church with an aim to equip towards a head pastor role by 

(i) Identifying personal gifting of each pastor and how that correlates to ministry,
(ii) Encouraging ministry, life, and growth balance,
(iii) Cultivating discipleship experience (mentor/ mentee relationships),
(iv) Developing a commitment to a multi-layered accountability structure,
(v) Partnering with parachurch or mission agencies for resources and opportunities to serve in local revitalization churches.


(a) Identify associate pastoral candidate(s),
(b) Assess candidate(s) theological beliefs and giftedness,
(c) Walk potential candidate(s) through overview of the ministry residency,
(d) Work out onboarding logistics (salary, housing, responsibilities, timeline, etc),
(e) Present candidate(s) to the FBT church family for a vote,
(f) Organize orientation,
(g) Serve at FBT,
(h) Introduce associate pastor to revitalization church,
(i) Increase responsibilities at FBT and revitalization church,
(j) Ongoing evaluation of the associate pastor,
(k) Assist associate pastor in seeking head pastor position,
(l) Conduct an exit interview with the associate pastor,
(m) Launch into an independent ministry

If you are interested in learning more about "the Timothy Initiative," please complete our contact form.

Pastor J. Fischer will contact you and send you a digital portfolio overview of our pastoral residency.